Computer software & hardware

Welcome to my blog! Today I will talk more about software & hardware in computer.

What is computer software?

A computer software is a set of instructions or command given to the computer to perform a specific task or activity. A software tells the computer what to do and when to do it. A computer can not operate on it own without the help of software. Not only a computer,but even the android device we use also makes use of software to help make it work on it own.

Types of computer software

Computer software are grouped into the following:
  1. System Software
  2. Application Software

System Software-:

This is a type of software that operate, manage and coordinate the work or activities of a computer system.

The main work of system software is to improve the efficient & Effectiveness of the computer system. A computer that doesn't have a system software won't work or even operate. 

Examples of system software-:

  • Language translator
  • Operating system
Language translator: The computer device can only make use of machine language. Therefore any program written in any other language need to be translated into machine language.
Computer language Processors are Complier, assembler & Interpreter.
Operating system:  The operating system are those hardware and software that manage the main activities of a computer.

Application Software-:

Application Software are those program that are mainly designed to perform a specific task or activity.
Some examples of applications software-:
  1. Educational software
  2. Business software
  3. Entertainment software e.t.c
Educational software: There are those type of software that are used for educational purpose. There are used to learn and to enlighten the brain more. Example for educational software is MyComputer textbook Which you can find on the Appstore.
Business software: There are those software that are used for business purpose or there are software that helps to record all transactions in a business. Example: Microsoft Excel.
Entertainment software:  There are software that it main work or purpose is to entertain users examples: games, video player, music player e.t.c

Internet Application-:

Internet application are those program that are used to access the internet.

Some examples of internet application-:

  • Social media network
  • Web application
  • Cloud computing application
Social media network: There are those software that allows communication in the internet like greetings, exchange of ideas e.t.c. Example of social media network are as follows-:
  • Facebook: Facebook is one of the biggest, most used social media platform in the word, it is used to chat, blog and many more. It help it users to stay updated and know what happening around the globe.
  • Twitter: one of the oldest social media that is used to share news around the world. 

What is computer hardware-:

A hardware is the physical part of a computer that we can see, touch & feel.
Computer hardware consist of the input device and output device.

Input device: There are those device that are used to communicate with the computer. There are device that converts data into readable form. Input device can also be called peripherals because there are physically separated from the system unit.

Examples of input device: mouse, keyboard, Scanners, joystick, microphone e.t.c.

Output device: output device are those device that can transmit or transfer information from the computer to the outside world. 

Examples  of output device: printer, monitor, speaker, plotter e.t.c

Thank you for reading and please share this post. I should be hold responsible for any form of plagiarism, all the content was made by research by me and it took me some  times.


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