Hello, welcome to my internet site blog. Today i can give an explanation for what laptop programming Language means, sorts and important.
What is programming language?
Programming language are languages which are used to jot down or positioned down a software or set of commands.
Meaning of computer programming?
Computer programming is the technique that builders use to jot down or positioned down code that instructs or direct a laptop on how, software or software program software works or preforms.
Computer programming is a hard and fast of command to facilitate a few specific mission or action.
Who is a programmer?
A programmer is an man or woman that create or make a software program with the aid of using sending the laptop precise commands referred to as coding.
Types of programming languages?
- Procedural Programming Language
- Functional Programming Language
- Scripting Programming Language
- Object-Oriented Programming Language
- Logic Programming Language
Each of this programming language has it very own precise mission, aleven though possibly to be similar.
I will give an explanation for all under;
For software improvement: C, C#, C++, Java, TCL e.t.c. The ones indexed under are the main languages use for software improvement.
For recreation improvement: DarkBASIC, Java, C#, C++, C.
For website improvement: Html, Xml, PHP, JavaScript, Python, Hdml, Perl.
For script improvement: Python, Perl, AutoHotkey, TCL.
Advantages of programming languages
- It is the lifestyles of the net
- It assist the relationship of net
- It may be used withinside the improvement of software program.
- It enables withinside the improvement of games
- It enables withinside the designing of introduction of internet site.
- Most humans stated it tough to learn.
- It is tough to locate mistakes in a few programming languages.
- It takes a long term to jot down a programming language.
- It is much less efficient.
Where to learn computer programming
- School
- Online
- Lesson centers
- Paid classes
Top best 20 programing languages
- Python
- Java
- JavaScript
- Ruby
- C++
- C#
- Kotlin
- Html
- Perl
- Kotlin
- Rust
- Typescript
- R programming language
- (GO) Golang
- Hdml
- Lua
- Groovy
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