Computer programing language

Hello, welcome to my internet site blog. Today i can give an explanation for what laptop programming Language means, sorts and important.

What is programming language?

Programming language are languages which are used to jot down or positioned down a software or set of commands. 

Meaning of computer programming?

Computer programming is the technique that builders use to jot down or positioned down code that instructs or direct a laptop on how, software or software program software works or preforms. 


Computer programming is a hard and fast of command to facilitate a few specific mission or action.

Who is a programmer?

A programmer is an man or woman that create or make a software program with the aid of using sending the laptop precise commands referred to as coding.

Types of programming languages?

  • Procedural Programming Language
  • Functional Programming Language
  • Scripting Programming Language

  • Object-Oriented Programming Language
  • Logic Programming Language

Each of this programming language has it very own precise mission, aleven though possibly to be similar.

I will give an explanation for all under;

For software improvement: C, C#, C++, Java, TCL e.t.c. The ones indexed under are the main languages use for software improvement.

For recreation improvement: DarkBASIC, Java, C#, C++, C.

For website improvement: Html, Xml, PHP, JavaScript, Python, Hdml, Perl.

For script improvement: Python, Perl, AutoHotkey, TCL.

Advantages of programming languages

  • It is the lifestyles of the net
  • It assist the relationship of net
  • It may be used withinside the improvement of software program.
  • It enables withinside the improvement of games 
  • It enables withinside the designing of introduction of internet site.


  • Most humans stated it tough to learn.
  • It is tough to locate mistakes in a few programming languages.
  • It takes a long term to jot down a programming language.
  • It is much less efficient.

Where to learn computer programming

  1. School
  2. Online 
  3. Lesson centers
  4. Paid classes

Top best 20 programing languages

  1. Python
  2. Java
  3. JavaScript
  4. PHP
  5. Ruby
  6. C++
  7. C#
  8. Kotlin
  9. CSS
  10. Html
  11. SQL
  12. Perl
  13. Kotlin
  14. Rust
  15. Typescript
  16. R programming language
  17. (GO) Golang
  18. Hdml
  19. Lua
  20. Groovy
Programming language are used by computer expert and software developer to develop games and application for a specific task. Software like Unity, Java can be used In the production big games and many more.
A computer scientist must know how to code and create a software. That is why computer course is ranking one of the best occupation in the world.
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